' should have a prefix corresponding to its parent project id: ''. This chapter provides details of the main Kotlin DSL constructs and how to use it to interact with the Gradle API. } If all dependencies have been resolved, no errors in red will be visible in settings.kts. In the DSL code, a build chain is declared inside a project by the sequential method that lists chained builds one by one. The issue is though that currently the TeamCity DSL does not provide this functionality. Spring Petclinic is a Java project that uses Maven for the build. I need the result of B reported back in RA so that if B is not successful, the pull request in RA should fail. The new module is added to your project structure.\. Could you describe your use case a little more in detail? }), Storing Project Settings in Version Control. In Android, every tutorial teaching you the basics describe how to design screen through XML files. We will then dive into the practicalities of using Kotlin DSL for build configurations. Since Kotlin is statically typed, you automatically receive the auto-completion feature in an IDE which makes the discovery of available API options much simpler. // build chain definition: Job DSL can be used to create Pipeline and Multibranch Pipeline jobs. As in, I can just copy and paste it over? org.gradle. org.jetbrains.teamcity I am currently using the kotlin-dsl Gradle plugin 0.18.2, Kotlin 1.2.51 and Gradle 4.10.2 in my Android project (take a look at the temporary project-setup branch). val buildChain = sequential { Non-default values of options for implicit snapshot dependencies can be set via the options lambda argument of any block. uuid is some unique sequence of characters. buildType(Test2) After we tested and built our applications for different platforms, we can finally pack and deploy them! Compared to a general guide we had in the past, the new documentation provides more details and offers better navigation between sections. Does Kotlin have tools to change its syntax to create APIs that are more suitable for the problem? After you add, edit, or delete the parameters and click Save, TeamCity will reload the DSL configuration and apply the changed values to the project settings. Creating our own Pipeline definition Check out the blog post series on using Kotlin DSL in TeamCity. * * // register all build configurations, referenced in the chain, in the current project: When creating the project from a repository URL, TeamCity will scan the sources. Since DSL is a code in Kotlin programming language, all paradigms supported by this language are available. Click Ok and follow the wizard. script { I cannot directly set dependency of B as A in repo RB because it’s a generic build. Right-click on the pom.xml file and select Add as Maven Project – the IDE will import the Maven module and download the required dependencies. } }, params { As stated earlier, DSLs (domain-specific languages) are "languages specialized to a particular application domain". To do that, we have to enable Versioned Settings in our project. TeamCity generated the namespace buildSteps.MSBuildStep with a lower case 'b' contrary to the upper case reference found in the configs-dsl-kotlin-10.0.0.jar reference. I want to be able to add dependencies and pass parameters to it. If there are no errors during the script execution, you should see a build configuration named "Hello world" in your project. object BuildA: buildType ({ filesCleanup = Swabra.FilesCleanup.DISABLED id is the absolute ID of the project, the same ID you'll see in browser address bar if you navigate to this project, parentId is the absolute ID of a parent project where this project is attached. The TeamCity specific classes that we use in the Kotlin script are coming from the dependencies that we declare in the pom.xml as part of the Maven module. scriptContent = "echo 'Hello world!'" Solution: Since TeamCity 2019.2, it is possible to access the location of the .teamcity directory from DSL scripts with help of the DslContext.baseDir property, for example: Since 2019.2, this is the preferable approach as TeamCity no longer guarantee that the current working directory for DSL scripts is the same as the .teamcity directory. TeamCity Kotlin DSL provides an alternative way to configure a build chain in a pipeline style. I see the above warning wrapping the buildFeatures block where i enable dataBinding and more recent viewbinding features, my AS and gradle, ... android android-studio kotlin build.gradle gradle-kotlin-dsl. If existing Kotlin settings are detected, the wizard will suggest importing them. Gradle Inc first announced GKD in May 17 2016. To identify a build configuration in a project based on the portable DSL, TeamCity uses the ID assigned to this build configuration in the DSL. The source directory is also redefined in this pom.xml since in many cases there will be just one settings.kts file. In this series of posts, we are going to explain how to use Kotlin to define build configurations for TeamCity. buildType(BuildB) name = "Imported from a file" }), For our demo, however, we are going to use a specific VCS root dedicated to only the settings. Hello! Note: DSL scripts is essentially another way of writing TeamCity configuration files. The changes to the settings are then always reflected on the server. Or, fork the source repo and build the project yourself. steps { There’s also a Kotlin DSL for Gradle available: Gradle-Script-Kotlin s1m0nw1 Simon is a software engineer based in Germany with 7 years of experience writing code for the JVM and also with JavaScript. It’s also possible to achieve the same result with Java (or any JVM-based language). import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.Project // this is the part which should be copied to a file which generates settings for SampleProject_Build build configuration The benefits of this approach include versioning support via VCS repository, a simplified audit of the configuration changes, and improved portability of the configurations. https://dzone.com/articles/kotlin-dsl-from-theory-to-practice Alternatively, you can register all listed builds after the chain declaration with a simplified syntax: Explicit snapshot dependencies can be defined via a dependsOn() statement within both parallel and sequential blocks, with an optional lambda argument that allows setting dependency options. The following examples shows how to add a build configuration with a command line script: Here, id will be used as the value of the Build configuration ID field in TeamCity. It is a function call, which takes as a parameter a block that represents the entire TeamCity project. For example, the following class adds a custom validation to Git VCS roots: You can use external libraries in your Kotlin DSL code, which allows sharing code between different Kotlin DSL-based projects. The object is registered in the project using a buildType(...) function call. The result of scripts execution is configuration files, which are loaded by TeamCity server and then behavior of the newly triggered builds changes. We can also create custom DSL using, Infix. org.gradle.api.artifacts.component. The pom.xml file provided for a Kotlin project has the generate task which can be used to generate TeamCity XML configuration files locally from the DSL scripts. 2. The real-life project that I converted to Kotlin DSL containsseveral micro-services, each uses the Application plugin to create an executable,and jib plugin is used to generate Docker images.We reuse the code via a Gradle ad-hocplugin to avoid duplicating scripts.The patternhelps to reuse the same Gradle (Groovy) code, the usage of whichfor every micro-service is like: The ad-hoc plugin is applied via a project.subprojects.forEac… Anko is a library on Kotlin that makes Android application development faster and easier. features { Before 2019.2, the following code could be used: To reorder subprojects or build configurations inside a project via DSL, similarly to the respective UI option, pass their lists to subProjectsOrder or buildTypesOrder respectively. } The Kotlin DSL API documentation is available at /app/dsl-documentation/index.html. On the other hand, the id of an entity can be changed freely, if the uuid remains the same. This Kotlin tutorial helps quickly learn most Kotlin features. For those who have programming skills it allows for more natural reuse of build configuration settings. project { See the documentation on the public TeamCity server as an example. However, I appear to be missing a further subset of v10 classes that do not want to import? This project has already been built on the demo TeamCity server. For instance, the following are the files checked in to version control for the spring-petclinic application. buildType(Package) Experienced users will appreciate the full re, Configuration as Code, Part 1: Getting Started with Kotlin DSL, Creating build configurations dynamically, create a new project in TeamCity by pointing to a repository URL, Configuration as Code, Part 2: Working with Kotlin Scripts, https://blog.jetbrains.com/teamcity/2019/03/configuration-as-code-part-2-working-with-kotlin-scripts/. In this tutorial you will use Gradle Kotlin DSL (GKD) in a new Kotlin project to script Gradle builds. When versioned settings in Kotlin format are enabled, TeamCity commits the current settings to the specified settings repository. Thanks for the feedback. The general idea is to use statically-typed user-provided function literals which modify the query builder state when invoked.After all of them are called, the builder's state is verified and the resulting SQL string is generated. Gradle’s Kotlin DSL provides an alternative syntax to the traditional Groovy DSL with an enhanced editing experience in supported IDEs, with superior content assist, refactoring, documentation, and more. In Kotlin, we can find examples of DSL implementations in several libraries, for example Anko. You can specify a default value of this parameter as an optional second argument: getParameter("", ""). With context parameters, it is possible to maintain a single Kotlin DSL code and use it in different projects on the same TeamCity server. Finally, we will take a look at advanced topics such as extending the DSL. This API allows you to declaratively compose your graph in your Kotlin code, rather than inside an XML resource. To generate a token for a secure value, follow this instruction. ... In the non-portable format each project has the following settings.kts file: This is the entry point for project settings generation. script { }) Creating NuGet packages 17 Mar 2017 | Jeffrey Palermo. sequential { For our example, we'll create a simple tool for constructing SQL queries, just big enough to illustrate the concept. } If the uuid is changed, then the data is lost. buildType(Test1) add { The Create Project From URL feature can be used for this. One of the advantages of the portable DSL script is that the script can be used by more than one project on the same server or more than one server (hence the name: portable). Open the folder in IntelliJ IDEA, you will see the following layout: Essentially, the .teamcity folder is a Maven module. Note: right after the Kotlin DSL settings are enabled in your project, the web UI for this project will become read-only until the TeamCity server detects its own commit and applies it back to the project. This project ID and name can be accessed via a special DslContext object but cannot be changed via the DSL code. Consider the following code:This is completely legitimate Kotlin code.You can play with this code online (modify it and run in the browser) here. object BuildB: buildType ({ As a result, there is one project, with one VCS root, and one build configuration declared in our settings.kts file. version = "2020.2" Defining this at the `Project.kt` level in our DSL, would give us a good oversight of what’s taking place. The following example illustrates a typical pipeline for compiling and deploying an application: If you define a build chain in a pipeline style, ensure there are no explicit snapshot dependencies defined within the referenced build configurations themselves. However, the plugins you have installed on your TeamCity instance may provide the extensions for the DSL, and therefore our pom.xml needs to pull the dependencies from the corresponding server. So I want to run two builds (A –> B) in a build chain. For instance, you can add a new build step, and hit the preview toggle without saving the changes – you will see the DSL snippet that you need to add to the build configuration. TeamCity will detect that the repository contains the .teamcity directory and ask you if you want to import settings. Kotlin DSL. 2. buildType { org.gradle.api. steps { Locate the task node: Plugins | teamcity-configs | teamcity-configs:generate, the Debug option is available in the context menu for the task: TeamCity allows editing a project settings via the web interface, even though the project settings are stored in Kotlin DSL. All the code relevant to the TeamCity configuration can be stored in this file, but it can also be divided into several files to provide a better separation of concerns. project { You can start working with Kotlin DSL by creating an empty sandbox project on your server and follow the steps below: 1. There are more attributes that we can specify for the VCS root object, like branches specification, and authentication type if needed. With these settings, the build configurations will be displayed in the UI in the following order: C, A, B. app/dsl-documentation/index.html on our Teamcity server displays "Kotlin DSL API documentation is not initialized yet", OutOfMemoryError during TeamCity startup with org.jetbrains.dokka in stack trace. Code navigation between files becomes easy in Kotlin DSL. buildType(Package) For example, it can be slower in case of first use, on clean checkouts, or on ephemeral CI agents. buildChain.buildTypes().forEach { buildType(it) } import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2. Make sure the Generate portable DSL scriptsoption is enabled. The following example shows how to use context parameters in DSL: Each context parameter is expected to have a value, either the default one, set in the DSL, or a project-specific one, set in the UI. For this, specify all the required credentials in the Maven settings file (mavenSettingsDsl.xml) and upload it on the Maven Settings page of the Root project. The settings using the DSL API version v2017_2+ are validated during DSL execution on the TeamCity server. password("pass-to-bucket", "credentialsJSON:12a3b456-c7de-890f-123g-4hi567890123") DSL scripts do not have direct control on how builds are executed. }, package MyProject When TeamCity generates a non-portable DSL, the project structure in the .teamcity directory looks as follows: where is the ID of the project where versioned settings are enabled. uuid = "05acd964-b90f-4493-aa09-c2229f8c76c0" To open the Kotlin DSL project in IntelliJ IDEA, open the .teamcity/pom.xml file as a project. id = "script.from.file.1" name = "Command Line Runner Test" For beginners, it offers a quick start guide and describes common use cases. In that block, we compose the structure of the project. You can also perform validation locally by generating XML configuration files with help of generate task. Kotlin DSL for Kubernetes configs. The TeamCity server does not use Maven for generating settings from your DSL scripts, so the generation of settings on the server will not be affected if you commit pom.xml containing context parameters back to the repository. To keep your settings files neat, it is convenient to store lengthy code instructions in separate files. If you have a repository with .teamcity containing settings in portable format, you can easily create another project based on these settings. 3. Referencing context parameters in DSL To reference a context parameter in the DSL code, use the getParameter() method of the DslContext object. All changes to the one project will be replicated to another. steps { Click Apply, and TeamCity will commit the generated Kotlin files to your repository. Question: How to add the .teamcity settings directory as a new module to an existing project in IntelliJ IDEA? You can then decide if you want to just import the project from the settings, import and enable the synchronization with the VCS repository, or proceed without the import. buildType(Deploy) To display the hidden files and directories, press Command + Shift + . Today we are wrapping up our .NET integration demo. If you omit it, there will be a validation error on an attempt to generate settings from this script. Besides storing settings in version control in XML format, TeamCity allows storing the settings in the DSL (based on the Kotlin language).. If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, you can easily start debugging of any Maven task: Navigate to View | Tool Windows | Maven Projects. import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.buildSteps.script scriptContent = readScript("scripts\\test.sh") The possibility to use Kotlin for defining build configurations was added in TeamCity 10. The other dependencies that we see in the list are the Kotlin DSL extensions contributed by TeamCity plugins. However, if you need to modify the build configuration ID in the DSL, note that for TeamCity this modification will look like if the configuration with the previous ID was deleted and a new configuration with the new ID was created. name = "${DslContext.getParameter("BuildName", "Test Build")}" Even so, TeamCity keeps the history of builds for 5 days until cleaning it up, and the history can still be restored during this period. Try customizing your watch face even further using DSL by reviewing all the options in the model/AnalogWatchFaceStyleModels.kt class. Then, before starting the generation process, the TeamCity server will fetch the necessary dependencies from the Maven repository, compile code with them, and then start the settings generator. There are more possibilities that we can use, which we will cover in further posts. The Navigation component provides a Kotlin-based domain-specific language, or DSL, that relies on Kotlin's type-safe builders. To make this instrument more useful and easier to understand, we have reworked the REST API documentation. Basically, a DSL is a language that focuses on just one particular part of an application. } Since these IDs must be unique, there cannot be two different entities in the system with the same ID. Teamcity 10 – Configuration As Code With Kotlin DSL. Managing context parameters in UI You can manage project context parameters on the Versioned Settings | Context Parameters tab. In case of a non-portable DSL, patches are stored under the project patches directory of .teamcity: Working with patches is the same as in portable DSL: you need to move the actual settings from the patch to your script and remove the patch. }, object CommandLineRunnerTest : BuildType({ Fix the URL in the Kotlin DSL in the version control and push the fix. In addition to this, it is possible to define which settings to take when the build starts. However, one of the reasons why portable DSL is called portable is because the same settings.kts script can be used to generate settings for two different projects even on the same server. You can create different entities in this project by calling vcsRoot(), buildType(), template(), or subProject() methods. If the build history is important, it should be restored as soon as possible: after the deletion, there is a configurable timeout (5 days by default) before the builds of the deleted configuration are removed during the build history clean-up. scriptContent = "echo 'Hello world!'" import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2. You really should have mentioned very clearly at the start of the article (or at least at the start of Enable Versioned Settings) that TeamCity was going to automatically, and without prompting, try to commit to a branch. To do that, you need to override the validate() method. Kotlin DSL API versions. When creating an empty project, that's what you see in settings.kts in your IDE: Here, project {} represents the current project whose settings you'll define in the DSL (in DSL code it is sometimes referenced as _Self). Test In this tutorial, we'll see how powerful Kotlin language features can be used for building type-safe DSLs. But there is also another way to define the same build configuration: In this case the usage of the id() function call is optional because TeamCity will generate the id based on the class name (HelloWorld in our case). But that’s where Kotlin’s extensibility proves quite valuable as we’ll see. My build exists in another project in teamcity and all I have is the extId for it. ... The Gradle Kotlin DSL provides support for writing Gradle build scripts using JetBrains' Kotlin language. Enable versioned settings with the same VCS root and the Kotlin format again. Context parameters are specified as a part of the project versioned settings in the UI. It is best to add a Kotlin DSL configuration to an existing project in TeamCity. I strongly believe Transition X style DSL reduces complexity and simplifies workflow when working with transitions. If you are writing your source code in Kotlin then it is good to have your build scripts in Kotlin as well. It has just two attributes: the name, and the URL of the repository. You can also extend the validation in a way relevant for your setup. buildType(HelloWorld) These relative IDs do not have parent project ID prefix in them. This is actually described in the next article: https://blog.jetbrains.com/teamcity/2019/03/configuration-as-code-part-2-working-with-kotlin-scripts/. Build steps and other configuration changes work as advertised, with the exception of the VCS root - changes in settings.kts to things like branchSpec do not reflect in the build. No, currently it is not possible. } Maybe we can find a workaround. Is it easy to copy over an existing build configuration’s “View As Kotlin DSL” to the KTS file? For instance, instead of using TeamCity templates, one can create a function or class which will encapsulate project common settings. stepsOrder = arrayListOf("script.from.file.1") To catch up with the demo, read the previous posts: You can refer to the configuration in the other project by the id, but you cannot obtain the instance. Once you enable Versioned Settings for the project, TeamCity will generate the corresponding files and immediately commit/push them into the selected repository. Select the detached build history and click Attach. But what about cases when a domain-specific language is the better fit for our task? The uuid is a unique identifier which associates a project, build configuration or VCS root with its data. Libraries in private repositories support was greatly improved for a secure value, follow this instruction file (.kt in. Pull the changes from the project, build configuration will not work not! 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